Here are five things that are making me happy during this dismal December.
Classical Christmas music on WETA. I may live in Nebraska, but I listen to WETA which is broadcast in Washington, DC. My love for that station was renewed when we visited there last fall*, and with modern technology, I can listen anytime using the Apple Music app. The Christmas music they play blends into what I already listen to yet is fresh and invigorating, not the same-old you hear this time of year in the grocery store (which tells you something of my listening habits). Last year the choral music they played as it got closer to Christmas is one of my favorite memories of that Christmas season.
Sunrise. Since the leaves have all fallen, I can now see the sunrise every morning. This morning began with shades of blue sky with pink clouds, then turned to a gorgeous blue and yellow, and then back to a brilliant blue and orange. One of the best things about winter.
Quick walks. With the colder weather, I’ve taken to taking a series of shorter walks rather than one long walk every day. Just a quick ten-minute sprint around the block gives one a chance to enjoy the weather as it changes over the course of the day. This morning it was 26F, but my walk is short enough that even if I didn’t quite guess correctly how to dress, I don’t get too cold. This afternoon is supposed to be a balmy 55F. Bring on the short sleeves!
Good books. I am currently reading A Gentleman in Moscow which truly is a great book for quarantine. I read it several years ago in the early days of the Modern Mrs. Darcy book club, but my new-to-me local book group is reading it in December, and once again I am enchanted.
And more good books. Fault Lines: Fractured Families and How to Mend Them is a timely book for this season. So many people feel the pain of family division more sharply over the holidays. We’ve been on both sides of this. It has warmed my heart as this book has expounded on things I knew intuitively but had not yet quite put into words.
Here’s to more peace and joy this holiday season!
*I lived there and was a devoted listener for four years after I graduated from college.